Tutorial - Writing Vaadin apps in Kotlin Part 3

I’ll get to the forms right away. But first, I want to talk extension methods. They are immensely helpful in adding functionality to objects. Note that Kotlin is not a dynamic language - the methods will not really be added to target classes, it is just a syntactic sugar. Quite delicious, though. So, EntityManager misses the findAll method - let’s fix that. Open the DB.kt file and add this to the end:

fun <T: Any> EntityManager.findAll(clazz: KClass<T>): List<T> = createQuery("select a from ${clazz.java.simpleName} a", clazz.java).resultList

Read more on Kotlin Extension Methods. Basically, what we just did is that we “kinda added” a findAll method to the EntityManager, which invokes the createQuery() method of the EntityManager itself and runs given query. From Java’s perspective we have created a static method findAll(EntityManager $receiver, Class<T> clazz): List<T> on a class named DBKt - this is what’s actually produced by the Kotlin compiler. Let’s use it and let’s implement findAll() which finds all Persons. I personally believe that such code belongs to the class dealing with personnel, as per OOP imperative “code shall be with the data”, don’t you agree? So, let’s create a finder right on the Person class:

    @field:Column(nullable = false)
    var age: Int? = null
) {
    companion object {
        fun findAll(): List<Person> = db { em -> em.findAll(Person::class) }

Companion object is Kotlin’s way of doing Java static stuff. Seems more complicated than static methods, until you realize that the companion object is also an object, and as such it may inherit from other objects, implement an interface, so it is immensely more powerful. Read more on Kotlin Companion Objects here. Let’s head back to MyUI and modify the init() method:

db { em -> em.persist(Person(name = "Zaphod", surname = "Beeblebrox", age = 42)) }
val persons = Person.findAll().joinToString()

There. More easy to read, and one can just intuitively head to the Person class and auto-complete to find this useful function. We’ll leave extension methods for now, but we’ll return to them as they are immensely useful.

Tip: Now maybe is the time to purchase IDEA Ultimate. The Ultimate edition has a built-in database browser which also integrates with Java/Kotlin editors and provides auto-completion and validation of your database queries. Let’s browse the embedded H2 database by opening the upper-right Database Tool Window, clicking the green + button and import from sources. IDEA auto-discovers the persistence.xml, extracts the connection string from that so you only need to provide the username “sa” and password “sa”. If the Test Connection button is greyed out, see below - the H2 driver may be missing. Just click the Download link, IDEA will download the driver and you will be able to add the database. Then, expand the database, click More Schemas - PUBLIC, select the PERSON table and press F4 - you will see the table contents. This kind of connection will work because H2 is in mixed mode.

Now, back to the forms. We will employ Vaadin’s BeanFieldGroup to edit the bean. Let’s create a Kotlin class PersonEditor:

package org.test.myvaadin

import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.BeanFieldGroup
import com.vaadin.data.util.converter.StringToIntegerConverter
import com.vaadin.ui.Button
import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField

class PersonEditor : FormLayout() {
    private val name = TextField()
    private val surname = TextField()
    private val age = TextField()
    private val fieldGroup = BeanFieldGroup(Person::class.java)
    private val save = Button("Save")

    init {
        save.addClickListener {
            db { em -> em.merge(fieldGroup.itemDataSource.bean) }
        fieldGroup.bind(name, "name")
        fieldGroup.bind(surname, "surname")
        fieldGroup.bind(age, "age")
        addComponents(name, surname, age, save)

    fun edit(person: Person) {

Be sure to study the BeanFieldGroup javadoc how this class works and how it binds properties (e.g. “name” is really the name field in the Person class) to Vaadin Fields. To use this class, modify MyUI.init() as follows:

override fun init(vaadinRequest: VaadinRequest) {
    db { em -> em.persist(Person(name = "Zaphod", surname = "Beeblebrox", age = 42)) }
    val persons = Person.findAll()

    val layout = VerticalLayout()

    val name = TextField()
    name.caption = persons.joinToString()

    val button = Button("Click Me")
    button.addClickListener { e ->
        layout.addComponent(Label("Thanks " + name.value
                + ", it works!"))

    layout.addComponents(name, button)
    layout.isSpacing = true

    val personEditor = PersonEditor()

    content = layout

This will edit the last person in the list. Feel free to play with the editor a bit, and check the database in the Database explorer, to see the last person being modified by your changes. But what about validations? Try clearing the age field and press Save. What happens is that Vaadin happily stores null into Person.age which is supposedly non-null, and thus Hibernate will complain with an exception.

To fix this, we will employ data validations, or JSR-303. Head to pom.xml and add the following dependency:


We’ll add the validation annotations to the Person class as follows:

package org.test.myvaadin

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Range
import javax.persistence.Column
import javax.persistence.Entity
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue
import javax.persistence.Id
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull
import javax.validation.constraints.Size

data class Person(
    var id: Long? = null,

    @field:Column(nullable = false, length = 100)
    @field:Size(min = 2, max = 100)
    var name: String? = null,

    @field:Column(nullable = false, length = 100)
    @field:Size(min = 2, max = 100)
    var surname: String? = null,

    @field:Column(nullable = false)
    @field:Range(min = 15, max = 90)
    var age: Int? = null
) {
    companion object {
        fun findAll(): List<Person> = db { em -> em.findAll(Person::class) }

The BeanFieldGroup will pick the annotations up automatically and will add appropriate validators to the Fields themselves. To get rid of the horrible stack trace hovering over the Save button, just modify the click listener as follows:

save.addClickListener {
    save.componentError = null
    try {
        db { em -> em.merge(fieldGroup.itemDataSource.bean) }
    } catch (ex: FieldGroup.CommitException) {
        save.componentError = UserError("There are invalid fields in the form")

Again, please feel free to play with the code and to study the BeanFieldGroup. Up next, juicy stuff coming. We’ll learn how to build the UI properly.

Written on March 5, 2017