Component-Oriented Programming

If you ever used a component-oriented framework such as Java’s Swing or Vaadin, then you’re familiar with components such as buttons and checkboxes. It goes like this:

  1. Need a button? Write new Button(). Need a text field? Write new TextField().
  2. Build own components and views by composing existing components with layouts.
  3. Navigate to components by marking them with a @Route("path") annotation.
  4. If the component needs data, it will introduce an interface (e.g. DataProvider)
  5. If the component wants you to know something, it will provide a listener.

Simple, right? You can even go further: your PersonGrid can add columns to itself and populate itself with data, calling the backend services directly; all you then need to do is to call new PersonGrid() and add it to your layout. Problem solved!

This architecture can grow easily with your app. You create a set of reusable components; you then compose those components in layouts that also implement a logic. For example, you can create a PersonForm which not only manages fields needed to edit a person, but also performs validation and may even implement the saving functionality. You can then compose multiple forms in a bigger wizard, which will still be a component, hiding all the complexity within its implementation.

You manage complexity by wrapping it in tiny boxes called components. You then compose tiny boxes in bigger boxes, and those in turn in bigger boxes. Every box will have a small and nice API depending on what the box solves. The UNIX philosophy of “Do one thing and do it right” works wonders here.


  • Components are much smaller unit of reuse than pages.
  • They are a natural extension to the object-oriented programming paradigm: Encapsulation
  • The UNIX philosophy: Do one thing and do it well
  • Promotes object composition but also works well with inheritance (if need be)
  • Simple for simple components
  • “with Vaadin the productivity boost comes from the components rather than the MVP framework.”
  • Reusable
  • UI Consistency: you create a set of reusable components then use them throughout your app; they will look the same, granting your UI consistency.
    • To promote this, you create a ‘Sampler’ in your app - a single page dedicated to demoing common UI patterns in your app: common layouts, layouts with borders, how to create forms, etc etc.
  • Vaadin components are actually insanely easy to test: Karibu-Testing
    • You can also use TestBench to test the client-side of the components if they have lots of client-side logic.


If the component needs to tell you something, it will expose a listener for you to plug in. Examples:

  • A Button doesn’t know how to save an entity, nor should it: its job is to give you a nicely styled button. Therefore, it exposes a click listeners for you to hook in and do something.
  • A Grid exposes selection listeners, item double-click listeners.
  • Your custom PersonCard component exposes an e-mail listener when the user clicks the e-mail button.

The listeners do not have to be complex: in fact a public final List<SerializableRunnable> clickListeners = new LinkedList<SerializableRunnable>() is more than enough.

Data Providers

The component needs data to display.

  • A common Grid which is designed to serve variety of use-cases provides the DataProvider interface for you to implement, through which Grid then fetches data.
  • You can (and should) extend Grid and create a BookingsGrid which sets all of its columns and renderers, and also may directly call services to populate itself (sets its own DataProvider). That makes BookingsGrid completely self-sufficient.


The BookingsGrid is not easy to test. Even if you use Karibu to fake Vaadin, you also need the booking service to be up-and-running. You can either mock the booking service by implementing a set of mock interfaces then set those mocks to the global service registry (see Services). However, even better is to actually use the services as-is and test your app through-and-through: the system testing.

Your services will use some sort of backend to get the data from:

  • If you use REST, it’s possible to provide a fake implementation of the REST services.
  • If you use a SQL database, you can either load H2 in-memory and run on that, or you can start an empty database in Docker and use that.

Te system testing approach has tremendous advantage: since you’re running the server and the tests in one JVM, you are in full control of the database:

  • You can start a transaction before every test then rolling the transaction back, to revert the database to a known state. This is fast as hell but prevents you from inspecting the database state from Intellij as you’re debugging the test.
  • You can delete the data+repopulate the database before every test - slower.
  • A combo: have a static boolean flag in your tests. Use the “transaction revert” by default, but switch to the “repopulate” strategy by flipping the flag before debugging a test.
Written on January 4, 2021