Setting a background to Vaadin Grid

Grid background may be tricky, and the approach differs for Lumo and for the Material theme.

Setting the background for the entire grid

The easiest way is to wrap grid in a div and set the background to the div itself. If that’s not possible, read on.


The color comes from the cell background. You’ll need to override the color in a vaadin-grid.css file placed in your theme/components folder, in order to be injected into Vaadin Grid’s ShadowDOM:

:host(.red) [part~='cell'] {
  background-color: red;

Then add the red class to your Grid and voila!


Set the --material-background-color style to red on the Vaadin Grid.

Grid rows

Read Styling Rows and Columns and call grid.setClassNameGenerator(). Note that you need to inject the css with styles into the <vaadin-grid> component, either by placing components/vaadin-grid.css into your theme, or loading the css via @CssImport("./css/my-grid.css", themeFor="vaadin-grid").

Grid columns

Call column.setClassNameGenerator(). Inject the css as mentioned above.

Written on March 15, 2022