Virtual Machines on MacBook

I’ve tested two VMs: UTM and Parallels. Testing hardware is an old MacBook Air 2015 x86-64.


You can get UTM also from App Store (which I did), then you’ll get automatic updates and you’ll support the developers.

General Settings:

  • Application / Prevent system from sleeping -> on
  • Input: “Option Is Meta Key” -> ignore this. I thought it swaps “Cmd” and “Alt”, allowing Cmd to function as Alt and Alt/Option as Super, but I was wrong: it’s some gimmick for Emacs.
  • To swap “Cmd” and “Alt”, causing the Mac keyboard having the same modifier key order as a PC keyboard “Fn, Ctrl, Super, Alt”:
    • install gnome-tweaks, then “Keyboard & Mouse”, “Additional Layout Options”, “Alt and Win behavior”, “Alt is swapped with Win”
  • Input: invert scrolling

VM Settings:

  • QEMU / Balloon Device -> on

Additional keyboard shortcuts I found for Parallels but work for UTM too:

  • Home = Fn+ArrowLeft
  • End = Fn+ArrowRight
  • PgUp = Fn+ArrowUp
  • PgDown = Fn+ArrowDown
  • Delete = Fn+Backspace
  • Insert - couldn’t find any Fn combination for this. Press I to insert in vim.

GPU drivers to use:

  • virtio-gpu-gl-pci only works with Ubuntu 24.04+ which has newest mesa drivers required for GPU acceleration. Note that Java-based apps (such as Intellij IDEA) won’t work and will display black rectangle.
  • virtio-gpu-pci works with any Ubuntu, the acceleration is disabled and the performance is horrible.

Network card:


A lot of these issues comes from the fact that I installed from ubuntu-server image then installed ubuntu-desktop package. Probably should have went with ubuntu-desktop iso instead.

Q: Ubuntu prints 9pnet_virtio: no channels available for device share

A: No idea what that is. Ubuntu eventually boots up. The messages went away, probably because I uninstalled lxd-agent-loader (below).

Q: lxd-agent.service fails to start.

A: lxd journalctl -u lxd-agent.service shows that “couldn’t mount virtiofs or 9p, failing”. No idea what that is, removed it with sudo apt autoremove --purge lxd-agent-loader which fixed this issue.

Q: Boot blocked by “Job systemd-networkd-wait-online.service/start running”

A: cloud-init configures netplan to initialize network interfaces upon boot. I’ve uninstalled cloud-init and removed /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. That didn’t help. sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd-wait-online.service worked around the problem, but it’s better to decide to use either networkd or NetworkManager with netplan and stick to that - networkd on ubuntu-server, NetworkManager on ubuntu-desktop.


Parallels offers to install Ubuntu 22.04 and that’s what you should do: then Parallels automatically installs the guest tools and the GUI speed is just brilliant.

Written on February 16, 2024