Vaadin - Troubleshooting the Browser

Sometimes Vaadin 14 fails mysteriously, which is very unfortunate: it now uses LOTS of JavaScript code, frameworks and tools. Those things are unfamiliar to server-side guys, and it’s really hard to tell what to do, should one of JavaScript toolchain fail.

This article is a follow-up of the Vaadin Troubleshooting article which focused on issues caused by the server-side code. This article will focus on the client-side issues.

What to verify in your browser

Two tips before we begin: you should at some point learn how to use your browser’s dev tools:

Second tip: To remove the possibility of random issues caused by corrupted node_modules or inproper javascript package versions in package.json and package-lock.json/pnpm-lock.yaml, it’s always good to start the bug hunting with the Vaadin Dance. See Vaadin Troubleshooting for more details.

Now, press F12 in your browser to fire up dev tools, then switch to the “Console” tab and let’s go!

Investigating Exceptions

Search the JavaScript Console for any red-line logs, indicating JavaScript execution errors or JavaScript exceptions. Such exceptions prevent any further JavaScript execution which could cause any of the following:

  • Prevent initialization of the theming. Such issues may prevent the theme from being loaded in your app, causing your app to look like a black-text-on-white-background.
  • Prevent initialization of other components, causing lots of Cannot read property x of undefined further on.

Fixing the root cause can then cause a domino effect and can fix all follow-up errors like theming and undefined-related issues. Therefore, it’s important to always investigate the first exception in the JavaScript console log. The red line can usually be unwrapped which reveals the stacktrace. Having the stacktrace is very important to quickly locate the origin of the issue.

If the stacktrace points into a non-obfuscated JavaScript code (say a Vaadin add-on), then you can proceed into the code and try to diagnose the root of the problem.

Obfuscated Stacktraces

NOTE TO THE FUTURE ME: Before you start wasting time deobfuscating JavaScript: check whether there’s a line "The error has occurred in the JS code:" above the exception. If yes, Flow is simply trying to execute whatever the server sent. Calm down & read below & start searching on the server-side.

Obfuscated stacktraces looks like following (see+vote Vaadin Bug 8872):

(ReferenceError) : Polymer is not defined client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:212:20
    XC client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:212
    Xn client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:1003
    Wn client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:774
    Yn client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:594
    cu client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:1016
    bu client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:973
    _t client-5F17FE7D56927576AB18BC8D06949321.cache.js:575

Such obfuscated stacktrace usually comes from Vaadin Flow, since Flow’s code is written in GWT and compiled in an obfuscated way. Read more on what could cause Flow to blow up/throw exceptions with such obfuscated stacktraces.

Incorrect JavaScript code in Page.executeJavaScript()

Flow can throw an exception if the server sends an invalid JavaScript code by the means of calling Page.executeJavaScript() or Page.executeJs().

If this is so, there is a yellow warning line in the JavaScript console above, starting with The error has occurred in the JS code: xyz. To remedy this issue, search for the JavaScript code snippet xyz in your Java code-base and perform corrections as necessary.

See+vote Vaadin Bug 8872 for more details.

Deobfuscating JavaScript

It’s possible to turn off the webpack minifier when building for production, to see the original deobfuscated code. Edit the webpack.config.js file in your Vaadin project, and modify the module.exports stanza as following:

module.exports = merge(flowDefaults, {
    optimization: {
        minimize: false

Now rebuild in production mode; the exception stacktrace should now point towards a much clearer JavaScript code. Then:

  • from the code you can learn e.g. the element tag name (for example vcf-progress-spinner) or the add-on name;
  • from the element tag name you can learn the add-on name / homepage (e.g. vcf-progress-spinner),
  • and from there you can open a bug report (e.g. vcf-progress-spinner #3).

Deobfuscating GWT

At the moment you need to build your own deobfuscated flow-client.jar then replace the obfuscated one in your local Maven repo with the deobfuscated version. See+vote for Issue 13644.


Search the Vaadin Flow Bug tracker for any issue you will find in the JavaScript console. If the issue is not yet reported, please report it so that it can be investigated (or Vaadin’s error messages can be improved).

Please let me know at and I’ll update this guide.

Written on August 25, 2020