
Lives in Finland. Owns a Nissan Leaf. If you have any suggestions or just wish to chat, just go to https://github.com/mvysny/ev-fi/issues and click the “New Issue” button :-)

You’re following my advices at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage to you, your property or anything, or if you’re killed or hurt by following my advices. I’m not an electrician myself. If you need to be extra sure, call an electrician. You can then lower your taxes since this falls under a house rennovation (up to 2400 EUR per year I think).

If you find these articles helpful and you’re interested in buying Tesla, I’d be grateful if you used my referral code: https://ts.la/martin92776. Thank you very much :)

The original site located at https://ev-fi.github.io was moved to the new location at https://mvysny.github.io/ev-fi/