Home Charging in Finland - Revisited

In the Home Charging in Finland - Basics article I’ve described the basic options of charging in Finland, and I have concluded that Schuko-based charging makes the most sense. However, recently I’ve found a 800 EUR option for a wall-mounted charger which includes the RCA/RCCD fuse and the installation, which makes it very competitive against the Schuko charging.

I’ve found the following page virtane.fi/sahkoautoilu/omakotitalo which allows you to simply input your address, and afterwards a list of companies and prices will be presented, each listing the charger along with the installation price.

For my address a Vantaa-based Wolttinen Oy vendor was chosen, which offers the Wolttinen XL Wallbox 16 A 3-vaihe 11KW station for ~500 EUR, and the installation work for 300 EUR, which is an excellent price.

The big question left open is whether my fuse box is compatible with 3-phase charging station. The virtane.fi however allows you to take pictures of the fuse box, the wirings, and the installation site, which allows the vendor to take a look beforehand and modify the installation price accordingly.

I haven’t made offer to the guys just yet, but I’ll post more once I’ll get any updates.

EDIT: There has been a development. Apparently Finland plans to pass laws to make certain number of charging spots mandatory for every housing company. My housing company is currently evaluating this - it may be so that the housing company itself will purchase and install the chargers. Stay tuned.

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Written on February 9, 2021